1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Furthermore, it is qualitatively expected that hydrogen released by photolysis of H2O can increase the loss rate of ozone between 75 and 95 Km, can significantly increase OH concentrations and accompanying airglow emissions, and also can act to increase nighttime E-region ionization by geocoronally- scattering La and L$ radiations after diffusing into the upper thermosphere. These effects of hydrogen released by H2O photolysis may indeed comprise the most important upper atmosphere environmental impacts of discharging water in the 70 and 120 Km height regime by SPS-type activities and should be investigated further. Figure 2. Steady-Estate latitudinal distribution of X at At = 1 hr and At = 6 hr after injection for T = .25, 1.0, and 4.0 days. (The longitudes corresponding to each curve are u At/24 where u = 30 deg long day"^ and At is in hours.) REFERENCES Forbes, J.M., ''Upper Atmosphere Modifications Due to Chronic Discharges of Water Vapor from Space Launch Vehicle Exhausts”, in Space Systems and Their Interactions with the Earth's Space Environment, edited by C. Pike and H. B. Garrett, to be published in 1980.