1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY FACTORS "In comparing the proposed satellite power system to various alternative sources of power we have found many of the possible effects on the environment and public health and safety to be similar. Danger to the public, space and terrestrial workers, as a result of such things as manufacturing materials for SPS, transporting rocket fuels, launch and recovery, base construction problems, does not appear to be greater than the possibilities involved with nuclear, coal or oil The dangers associated with SPS will be to some extent unique, as in the case of space workers, but there appears to be a growing body of knowledge about how to handle most of the problems. "It is not the intention of this group to discourage implementation of a satellite power system, as we realize the importance of finding a practical power source to replace those dependent on nonrenewable resources. It is of utmost concern, however, that there must be no limit to the thoroughness of research and development in assuring the public of an acceptable level of risk to health and safety with the lease degradation of our environment. We must develop technologies that will not consistently destroy the quality of life while improving the quality of living. To quote Alfred North Whitehead, "When you understand all about the sun and all about the atmosphere and all about the revolution of the earth you may still miss the radiance of the sunset." MILITARY IMPLICATIONS "Luke Skywalker and Buck Rogers have landed! With increased military efforts on space warfare and technology the military implications of the solar power system are enormous and require in-depth study. It appears that the military potential of the SPS are very real." The areas probed by the Department of Defense study of military implications seems to touch only the surface of the strategic military iceberg. It appears that the military has the capability of using the satellite as a weapon in either the laser or microwave mode. The services, Army, Navy or Air Force are spending millions in the perfection of lasers capable of destroying missiles and drones and so forth at moderate ranges. "Further study of weapon use suggest that the particle beam weapons being currently developed by the Army and Navy under the code names 'SIPAPU' and 'CHAIR HERITAGE' respectively could be utilized on the SPS space platform as anti-satel1ite or anti-ballistic missile defense systems." "The implications of the impacts on international relationships by military involvement with the SPS could be vast. Current space treaties do not cover systems like the SPS which could conceivably have an authorized defense system which could also be capable of an offensive mode." This could raise objections by other countries because of the psychological power of the SPS weapon. It would seem that a study is needed on how other countries would react to a SPS with military capability and how important the consequences of this reaction would be. The worth of having the military involved in the system should be analyzed." "Can the DOE and NASA, alone, financially handle the implications of the limitations of the SPS if produced without Department of Defense funds?" "The relative vulnerability question of the SPS seems trivial at this time and