1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Economic Competitiveness of the Proposal: When this proposed program is compared to the costs and the requirements for implementing either a nuclear or coal option for solving the energy problem, it is found that a Satellite Power System/Hydrogen Fuel Economy is more than competitive. In addition the competitive advantage of SPS/HFE improves with time. When the original costs associated with building the space construction facility or geosynchronous space industrial complex is compared with previous large capital programs such as the Panama Canal and Apollo it is seen that the financial commitment required is not large. Strategic Considerations: There are at least three direct strategic benefits, all of which are passive or defensive so that the emphasis is on a desire for peace: manned early warning facilities, improved hardened space communications relay systems, and a space-based anti-ballistic missile defense system. Secondary strategic benefits occur because of the ability to deploy giant airships for use in protecting our fleets, the possibility and desirability of a nuclear merchant marine. These possibilities and many others are possible because of resource substitution, and the accessibility of the resources to the universe (or at least the solar system) instead of only our finite world. National Goals: Since we don't have a national goal which transcends our every day concerns, a space program aimed at solving our energy problems and our need to improve our ability to defend our nation in a peaceful way would provide such a goal. Secondary Benefits: A number of very important secondary benefits for the country will develop if we pursue the course outlined in this paper, such as reduced pollution, cheaper products due to lessened demand for hydrocarbons for burning, and the ability to retain our mobility. Environmental Factors: In all areas of environmental concerns the Satellite Power System/Hydrogen Fuel Economy program either has a much less impact on the environment than other options or its implementation will solve problems such as the air pollution in the Los Angeles Basin and acid rain due to increased burning of coal. Conclusions: The proposal to build a space industrial complex, produce Satellite Power Systems, and implement a Hydrogen Fuel Economy is technically feasible, economically competitive with other alternatives, and environmentally acceptable. In addition, the effort is worthwhile from the standpoint of maintaining a belief that this nation is committed to moving forward and providing the resources needed for its population to realize its aspirations.