1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Figure 2. U. S. MARKET PROJECTIONS FOR GRAPHITE FIBERS MICROWAVE POWER REPRESENTED BY ANNUAL U. S. MICROWAVE OVEN SALES Figure 3* Note: These projections do not include extensive automotive uses. A. D. Kotin, "Satellite Power System (SPS) Resource Requirements (Critical Materials, Energy and Land)." HCP/R-4024-02, U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D. C., October 1978. 2Arthur D. Little, Inc., "The Industrial Impact of the SPS," Final Report, Phase II, Boeing Aerospace Co., "Solar Power Satellite System Definition Study, NAS9-15&36, November 1979- ^Arthur D. Little, Inc., "Evaluation of Solar Cells and Arrays for Potential Solar Power Satellite Applications," Final Report to NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, NAS9-15294, March 1978.