1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Figure 1. Annual production rate of CO2 from fossil fuels between 1860 and 1974, as reconstructed from the production of coal, oil, natural gas, and cement. (After Broecker et. al., Science 206, 1979, p. 409) Figure 2. Measurements by Keeling and co-workers of concentrations of atmospheric CO2 by volume in dry air, (a) at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, and (b) at the South Pole. (After Broecker et. al., op. cit.) Figure 4. Schematic cross-secticn of West Antarctic ice sheet and Ross Ice Shelf. Top, present day. Bottom, during the height of the Ice Age (Wisconsin glaciation). In that earlier time, Ross Ice Shelf may have advanced (dashed curves) or may have frozen solid clear to the bedrock. (After Thomas, Science 205, 1979, p. 1257) Figure 3. Antarctica, showing West Antarctic ice sheet and Ross Ice Shelf