1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

RESEARCH ON THE USE OF SOLAR ENERGY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS, CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Kuan Liang Guo, Exchange Visiting Scientist University of Alabama in Huntsville - China University of Science & Technology Xin Shi Ge China University of Science and Technology In the recent years, research on some topics in the field of the utilization of solar energy which relates to the thermophysics is being made in the Department of Engineering Thermophysics of the China University of Science and Technology, a university established by the Academy of Science of China. The consideration of satellites for power is only in the preliminary stage in China but may be expanded in the future. My paper will describe the current research in utilizing solar energy, so that participants may better understand the present technology in China and how it may be affected by a Satellite Power System. Also, an objective is to exchange views as to how the proposed solar power satellite system and related technology may affect China. Current research includes solar water heaters, timber kilns, focusing collectors, low cost solar radiation measuring instruments and many others. 1. Research on the operation fashion of the solar water heater system/^ In China, there are more and more flat plate solar water heater systems coming into use. So far in Beijing, the total area of collectors amounts to 70,000 m2. Most of them are installed on the roofs of buildings operating in thermosiphon mode and supplying hot water for domestic use (bathrooms). A main shortcoming of this kind of water heater is that the water storage tank has to be fixed above the collector, causing the increase of heat loss of the storage tank and of the weight load on the roof and enabling hot water to be obtained only in the afternoon. So, we have proposed a "One-Pass" solar water heater system which water will pass the collector by a small water tank above the collector. The storage tank of the "One-Pass" system thus can be placed indoors, and the heat loss will be reduced. Moreover, by this system hot water can be obtained earlier than by the "Thermosiphon" system. A preliminary calculation shows that the daily efficiency of the "One-Pass" system is almost the same as that of the "Thermosiphon" system. We believe that the "One-Pass" system is easier to adopt and popularize in China. To justify the theoretical analysis, the experimental study is being carried on now. (2) 2. Design of solar timber seasoning kiln. ‘ Using solar energy to dry timber is being actively investigated in the U.S.A., Canada and Australia. In China, in the small furniture factories, there is no normal timber seasoning kiln. We have designed an experimental solar seasoning kiln for a small furniture factory which is located in the neighborhood of our university. The solar system designed is an air-based concept. Solar collectors are in two banks. Each bank has a nominal area of 30 m2. The solar air heater consists of two glass covers and a ten-layer porous matrix absorber. The hot air from the collector is directed by a blower to the kiln and a pebble bed storage. The kiln designed has a capacity to dry timber of 4.5 m3, and the period of the drying process is about four days. The solar timber seasoning kiln has already been installed, and the performance experiment is being carried on.