1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SATELLITE POWER SYSTEM COST REVIEW R. E. Allen - P. E. Brown - E. J. Ziegler United Engineers and Constructors, Inc. The probable implementation cost of the SPS technology is an important element of information necessary to make a rational decision regarding future research and/or development. Although projected costs are estimated as part of the systems definition activity, better definition and resolution can be obtained through an independent engineering evaluation or "audit" of some major cost components in current SPS design concepts. Thus, selected system definition assumptions and cost estimating relationships for each of the three SPS concept designs were independently reviewed. The review focused on definition and cost compatibility with current research, development, engineering and construction practices. The systems within the SPS designs chosen for review are several of the major cost elements and include: 1. Rectenna construction, 2. Graphite fiber reinforced thermoplastic structures, 3. Solar cells, 4. Satellite electrical slip rings, 5. Satellite electrical systems, and 6. Ground rectenna electrical systems. Where sufficient data or information was available in the SPS concept descriptions and correspondingly in the technical literature and/or current construction and manufacturing practices, multipliers were developed to quantify the possible range of cost above or below current estimates. Where cost multipliers could not be developed, potentially important cost impacts were identified and evaluated qualitatively. ESTIMATED RANGE OF COST MULTIPLIERS Estimated cost multipliers for the systems and cost estimating relationships reviewed are shown in Table 1. The table values are multipliers to the current estimated costs of the indicated system components. In most cases it is not possible to estimate the variation in dollar costs associated with the multipliers. Two factors contribute to this dilemma. First, not all of the components making up each of the six systems were reviewed; programmatic limitations enabled only selected components for each system to be reviewed. Second, although descriptive information is generally available for the individual system components, these are not defined to the point of specification because additional research and development is needed to demonstrate the functional capability required. Thus, it is generally not possible to estimate the cost variations associated with the components that were reviewed. These multipliers may increase or decrease as additional research, development, and engineering are completed for the various systems. • The rectenna construction includes the basic civil engineering activities (i.e., site clearing and leveling, footing excavation, concrete installation, support and logistical activities). • The graphite reinforced thermoplastic structures include a discussion of the wide variety of graphite fiber materials, problems associated with obtaining desired characteristics and questions regarding the intercompatibility of the fibers and the thermoplastic. Excluded from these cost assessments is any discussion of the production methods for the basic materials or for the