1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SPS TRANSPORTATION I GOST ESTIMATES, ADJUSTMENTS AND UNCERTAINTIES (CONTINUED) (1) SPS Transportation System Cost Estimates, Johnson Space Center, November 14, 1979. (2) Excludes Research; strong tech, pgm assumed. (3) Addition of one reserve HLLV and strict application of 85 percent learning curve. (4) 10 percent payload reserve for growth in SPS and Miscellaneous requirements. (5) Addition of five reserve vehicles; mature industry assumption. 70 percent learning applied to TFU results in $19 billion. (6) 10 percent cost reserve for orbital maintenance facillities allocated to vehicles. (7) PLV booster co-developed with HLLV. (8) Battelle estimate for HLLV personnel module. (9) Purchase of 2 PLVs withought personnel module. (10) Purchase of 1 HLLV in addition to reserve vehicle. (11) 22 percent of HLLV cost per flight. (12) Purchase of 5 POTVs with strict application of 85 percent learning curve. (13) Adjustment reflects direct charge of 1 HLLV flight plus 5 percent of EOTV flight costs to haul propellant plus $50K in downtrip propellants to POTV. Personnel Module costs excluded. (14) JSC Transportation Cost Estimates correctly account for POTV costs in overall transport scenario. (15) 6425 man-years at KSC at $40 per hour. (16) Dollar weighted average of uncertanties. (17) Includes reserve vehicles and uses mature industry assumption for EOTV. (18) Includes Ground Support at KSC.