1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

station photovoltaic, residential rooftop photovoltaic, and magnetic confinement fusion systems differ from this nominal capacity due to special considerations unique to each system. An integral part of the energy and materials balances was the determination of natural resource requirements such as land, water, fuels, and other raw materials, and the determination of environmental residuals including air emissions, liquid effluents, solid and radioactive wastes. These parameters have been estimated for the main plant site and for major elements of the respective fuel cycles. The final step in the characterization procedure was to estimate the capital construction costs, labor requirements, and annual non-fuel operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for each alternative reference system. Detailed equipment, materials and site labor requirement lists from the Energy Economic Data Base (EEDB) and other major references were used as the basis for estimating the direct and indirect capital construction costs and construction labor requirements for many of the systems. For technologies not included in the EEDB, similar data from other major references was used. All costs are presented in 1978 dollars. Direct capital costs include the costs of all materials, components, structures and direct labor necessary to construction of the reference facility at the plant site. Indirect costs include site temporary construction facilities, payroll insurance and taxes, and other construction services. Excluded are items sensitive to the particular policies of individual utilities including owner's costs, fees and permits, interest on construction funds, and price escalation during construction and contingency funds. Non-fuel O&M costs were derived based on labor requirements, disposal and materials handling costs, and other factors applicable to the respective technologies. Non-fuel O&M costs for each system except the residential rooftop photovoltaic system include a sinking fund accrual of thirty percent of the plant's total direct and indirect capital costs over the lifetime of the facility for interim replacements. Decommissioning costs for each of the nuclear systems are also included. Fuel costs for each of the systems are scenario-dependent and will be estimated as part of the subsequent cost and performance analysis.