1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

biological implications of the SPS microwave power transmission system remain tentative and qualitative at this time. Additional substantive, pertinent data are required before a decision can be made to deploy the SPS. The following list summarizes present knowledge (based on conventional scientific interpretation of existing data) of the potential effects of SPS microwave energy on biological systems in space, at rectenna sites, and outside rectenna sites. • Immunology and Hematology Effects in space largely unknown Effects at rectenna sites possible Effects beyond rectenna sites unlikely • Mutation Effects unlikely in space or terrestrial environments • Cancer No effects expected • Reproduction Potential effects unknown in space and on rectenna sites Small risk of effects elsewhere • Development Effects unlikely except for species inhabiting rectenna sites • Growth Effects unlikely • Behavior Effects on SPS workers and other species endemic to rectenna sites possible Effects beyond rectenna sites uncertain • Physiology and Integrative Processes Effects in space and at rectenna sites possible Effects beyond rectenna sites unlikely • Interactive Situations, Medications, and Special Populations Possible adverse but largely unpredictable implications