1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

NAME & ORGANIZATION AASEN, M. D. ITT Research Institute AINSWORTH, E. J. Lawrence Berkeley Labs. ALLEN, R. E. United Engineers & Constructors ALMGREN, D. W. Arthur D. Little, Inc. ALPEN, E. L. Lawrence Berkeley Labs. ANDLAUER, G. Consultant - France ANDRYCZYK, R. W. General Electric ANKERBRANDT, S. D. Planning Research Corp. ARIMURA, I. Boeing Aerospace Company ARNDT, G. D. NASA/JSC ATKINSON, J. H. DOD/ECAC AYRES, R. U. Carnegie-Mellon University AUTHORS INDEX PAPER TITLE PAGE The EMC of Satellite Power Systems and ^24 DoD C-E Systems Late Biological Effects of Heavy Charged 477 Particles: Cataracts, Vascular Injury and Life Shortening in Mice Satellite Power System Cost Review 618 Evaluation of Solar Cell Materials for a 263 Solar Power Satellite1 Late Biological Effects of Heavy Charged 477 Particles: Cataracts, Vascular Injury and Life Shortening in Mice The Infrared Alternative 237 Integration of SPS with Utility System 99 Networks SPS Rectenna System 323 An Evaluation of the Land and Material 125 Requirements for the Satellite Power System Proton Damage Annealing Kinetics in 254 Silicon Solar Cells Microwave System Performance Summary 277 Smaller SPS System Sizing Tradeoffs 297 The EMC of Satellite Power Systems and 424 DoD C-E Systems Macroeconomic/Socioeconomic Comparisons 610 of SPS and Alternative Energy Technologies Alternative Future Energy Price/Demand 631 Scenarios