1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

CHACKO, C. C. Boston University CHAPMAN, P. K. Arthur D. Little, Inc. CHIU, Y. T. The Aerospace Corporation COCO, D. S. Rice University COLLINS, P. Q. Imperial College of Science and Technology COOK, E. J. Arthur D. Little, Inc. CRIST, M. S. Consultant CRISWELL, D. R. University of California, San Diego CSIGI, K. I. Arthur D. Little, Inc. CURTIS, S. A. NASA/GSFC DALY, J. C. University of Rhode Island DAURIO, A. P. Planning Research Corp. DAVID, L. W. PRC Energy Analysis Co. DAVIS, K. C. Battelle-PNL Ionospheric Observations: Archived 480 Data and the HEAO-C Launch Encounters Between SPS Power Beams and 428 Satellites in Lower Orbit The Industrial Infrastructure for the 575 Solar Power Satellite Technology Alternatives for the SPS 216 Plasmaspheric and Magnetospheric Effects 493 of POTV and COTV Effluents SPS Heating in the Lower Ionosphere, 408 An Experimental View Potential for Reception of SPS Microwave 529 Energy at Offshore Rectennas in Western Europe SPS Microwave Effects on Airborne Biota 383 Status Report Institutional Considerations of SPS/ 581 Utility Integration Recent Work on Use of Lunar Materials for 223 SPS Construction Evaluation of Solar Cell Materials for a 263 Solar Power Satellite1 Effects of Argon Ion Injections in the 501 Plasmasphere Passive Solar Reflector Satellite Re- 231 visited Societal Assessment - International Issues 133 A Study of Federal Microwave Standards 552 Electromagnetic Compatibility Overview 120 Summary of the Electromagnetic Compati- 414 bility Evaluation of the Proposed Satellite Power System