1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

DAY, A. C. Boeing Aerospace Company DeVITA, C. J. Georgetown University DICKINSON, R. M. NASA/JPL DIETZ, R. H. NASA/JSC DJUTH, F. T. Rice University DOOLING, D. The Huntsville Times DREXLER, K. E. MIT Space Systems Lab. DRUMMOND, J. E. Power Conversion Technology, Inc. DUNCAN, L. M. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. DYBDAL, K. K. St. Olaf College EARHART, R. W. Battelle Columbus Labs. The EMC Impact of SPS Operations on Low 431 Earth Orbit Satellites Proton Damage Annealing Kinetics in Sili- 254 con Solar Cells Energy Implications of an Aging Population $36 Rectenna System Design 328 Power Transmission and Reception - An 273 Overview and Perspective SPS Heating in the Lower Ionosphere, 408 An Experimental View Press Perception of S.P.S. ^74 Prototype Solar Power Satellite Options 219 High-Power Microwave Optics for Flexible 352 Power Transmission Systems Comparison of Low Earth Orbit and Geosyn- 234 chronous Earth Orbit Laboratory and Proposed Ionospheric Ex- 410 periments on SPS Microwave Instability Effects of Rocket Exhaust Products in the 489 Thermosphere and Ionosphere lonosphere/Microwave Beam Interactions: 407 Arecibo Experimental Results SPS Issues: The Need to Look Ahead 88 Critical Review of Satellite Power Sys- $22 terns (SPS) Space Transportation Cost Estimates