1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

ENTRES, S. L. General Technology Systems, Ltd. FLEISCH, D. A. Rice University FORBES, J. M. Boston College FRANKLIN, H. A. Bechtel National, Inc. FRANKLIN, I. V. British Aerospace FREEMAN, J. W. Rice University GANGULY, S. Rice University GARY, N. E. University of California GASPER, J. R. Argonne National Lab. GE, X. S. China University of Science and Technology GIUDICI, R. J. NASA/MSFC GLASER, P. E. Arthur D. Little, Inc. Some Judicial and Regulatory Factors ^62 SPS Heating in the Lower Ionosphere, An 408 Experimental View Mesospheric Cloud Formations 452 D- and E-Region Effects 454 The Design of Low-Cost Structures for 185 Extensive Ground Arrays Some Aspects of SPS Acceptability in 508 Europe Microwave Power Transmission Workshop 345 Summary Offshore Rectenna Feasibility 348 SPS Heating in the Lower Ionosphere, An 408 Experimental View Study of the Biological and Ecological 379 Effects of SPS Microwave Power on the Honey Bee Comparative Health and Safety Assessment 150 of the SPS and Alternative Electrical Generation Systems Research on the Use of Solar Energy in 614 the Department of Engineering Thermophysics, China University of Science and Technology Electric Power Processing, Distribution, 359 Management and Energy Storage Evaluation of Solar Cell Materials for a 263 Solar Power Satellite1 Technology Alternatives for the SPS 216 Offshore Rectenna Feasibility 348 The Industrial Infrastructure for the 575 Solar Power Satellite An Historical Perspective on the Solar 1 Power Satellite Concept