1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

GOODMAN, F. R., JR. Electric Power Research Institute GORDON, A. I. Rockwell International GORDON, W. E. Rice University GOROVE, S. University of Mississippi Law Center GRAN, R. Grumman Aerospace Corp. GRANT, W. B. DOC/NTIA/ITS GREBOWSKY, J. M. NASA/GSFC GREENBERG, H. S. Rockwell International GUO, K. L. China University of Science and Technology GUTTMAN, C. H. NASA/MSFC HABEGGER, L. J. Argonne National Lab. HAMILTON, C. W. Battelle Columbus Lab. HANLEY, G. M. Rockwell International Utility System Impacts of the Satellite 579 Power System Satellite Power System Operations 368 lonosphere/Microwave Beam Interactions: 407 Arecibo Experimental Results Internationalization of the SPS: U. S. 514 Policy Issues, Options and Strategies A Modern Control Approach to the Design 180 of the SPS Control System The EMC Impact of SPS Operations on Low 431 Earth Orbit Satellites Summary of the Electromagnetic Compati- 414 bility Evaluation of the Proposed Satellite Power System Effects of Argon Ion Injections in the 501 Plasmasphere Satellite Power Systems Structures - A 172 1980 Technology Status Review Research on the Use of Solar Energy in 614 the Department of Engineering Thermophysics, China University of Science and Technology SPS Technical Issues 107 Comparative Health and Safety Assessment 150 of the SPS and Alternative Electrical Generation Systems Preliminary Planning for Future SPS 396 Microwave Health and Ecology Research and Assessment Critical Review of Satellite Power Sys- 622 terns (SPS) Space Transportation Cost Estimates Emerging SPS Concepts 95