1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

HARLAN, A. L-5 Society HAZELRIGG, G. A., JR. ECON, Inc. HEFFERNAN, G. A. George Washington University HENDERSON, R. A. British Aerospace HENSON, C. M. L-5 Society HEPPENHEIMER, T. A. Center for Space Science HERVEY, D. G. Brown & Root Development, Inc. HILL, J. A. Environmental Resources Group HOLZE, D. H. Boeing Aerospace Company HOMATAS, G. E. Polytechnic Institute of New York HOPKINS, M. M. Rand Corporation Earth-to-Orbit Transportation for Solar 200 Power Satellites Concerns of the L-5 Society About SPS 542 SPS Salvage and Disposal Alternatives 598 Energy Implications of an Aging Popula- 536 tion SPS Power Transmission - Are Multiple 556 Beams a Better Option for Europe? Concerns of the L-5 Society About SPS 542 A Contribution to the Availability of 227 Lunar Resources for Powersat Construction The Power Satellite: Toward Which Energy 590 Crisis? Offshore Space Center (Offshore Launch 208 Site) Offshore Rectenna Feasibility 348 Prototype Environmental Assessment of 469 the Impacts of Siting and Construction of an SPS Ground Receiving Station An Assessment of SPS Utility Integration 583 Issues Arising from the Distribution of Eligible Rectenna Sites and Electricity Demand Centers Disposition of SPS Electric Thruster Ex- 496 haust Characterization of Reflected Light from 464 the Space Power System Problems arid Prospects for an SPS Role in 556 New York State's Energy Future: A Major Case Study of Concept Viability The Satellite Power Station and Non-Cost 500 Uncertainty Aspects of Risk