1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

HORAK, H. G. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. HORNE, W. E. Boeing Aerospace Company HOYT, D. Harvard University HULL, W. E. NASA/JSC HYSON, M. T. California Institute of Technology IRWIN, N. A. IBI Group JAMIESON, W. M. Battelle Columbus Labs. JOHNSON, 0. E. Boeing Aerospace Company JONES, R. M. Jet Propulsion Lab. JOSE, J. G. Lawrence Berkeley Labs. JUANG, J. N. Jet Propulsion Lab. JUROSHEK, J. R. DOC/NTIA KAPLAN, J. N. SRI International KAPLAN, M. S. U.S. General Accounting Offi ce KASSING, D. ESTEC KAUPANG, B. M. General Electric The Lagopedo Experiments 483 Proton Damge Annealing Kinetics in Sili- 254 con Solar Cells SPS Microwave Effects on Airborne Biota 383 Status Report Effects of the Space Environment on the 473 Health and Safety of Space Workers Sunlight Reflections from a Solar Power 460 Satellite or Sol ares Mirror Should Not Harm the Eyes Strategies for Marshalling International 511 Support for Solar Power Systems Preliminary SPS Materials Assessment 531 Economic Potential of SPS 594 The Applicability of MPD Thrusters to 210 Satellite Power Systems Late Biological Effects of Heavy Charged 477 Particles: Cataracts, Vascular Injury and Life Shortening in Mice Dynamics and Control of the Satellite 176 Power System The SPS Interference Problem - Electronic 435 System Effects and Mitigation Techniques Biological Effects of Chronic Pre- and 392 Post-natal Exposure of Squirrel Monkeys to SPS Frequency Microwaves Satellite Power System (SPS): The Need 558 for Detailed Assessment to Develop Feasible Management Schemes Critical Technology Areas of an SPS De- 109 velopment and the Applicability of European Technology Integration of SPS with Utility System 99 Networks SPS Rectenna System 323