1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

LEONARD, R. S. Consultant LIEMOHN, H. B. Boeing Aerospace Company LINDSEY, W. C. LinCom Corporation LIVINGSTON, L. E. NASA/JSC LLOYD, W. Marsh & McLennon, Inc. LOVBERG, R. Power Conversion Tech., Inc. LYMAN, J. T. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. MacDANIEL, W. E. Niagara University MAHER, K. Battelle Columbus Lab. McCaffrey, r. w. Grumman Aerospace Corporation McCOY, J. E. NASA/JSC McHUGH, D. Polytechnic Institute of New York McNEAL, S. R. Planning Research Corp. McRAE, W. V., JR. Rockwell International The Design of Low-Cost Structures for Ex- 185 tensive Ground Arrays Automated Construction of Lightweight, 324 Simple, Field-Erected Structures A Different Race 564 Characterization of Reflected Light From 464 the Space Power System Disposition of SPS Electric Thruster Ex- 496 haust Phase Control System Concepts and Simu- 285 lations SPS Overview: Requirements, Alternatives, 91 and Reference System Satellite Power System: Initial Insur- 555 ance Evaluation Laboratory and Proposed Ionospheric Ex- 410 periments on SPS Microwave Instability Hazards to Space Workers from Ionizing 475 Radiation in the SPS Environment Sources and Nature of Resistance to Satel- 570 lite Power System (SPS) Development Critical Review of Satellite Power Systems 622 (SPS) Space Transportation Cost Estimates Specific SPS Construction Studies: Con- 310 struction Tasks-Construction Base High Voltage Space Plasma Interactions 372 Problems and Prospects for an SPS Role in 556 New York State's Energy Future: A Major Case Study of Concept Viability Public Concerns 135 Satellite Power System Total Proof-of- 240 Concept Program Specific Construction Tasks 307