1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

PARK, C. NASA/ARC PASSERINI, E. University of Alabama PATE, D. S. Solar Energy Coalition PATMORE, J. W. Systems Control, Inc. PEWITT, N. D. U.S. Department of Energy PHELPS, D. Power Conversion Technology, Inc. PILAND, R. 0. NASA/JSC POLK, C. University of Rhode Island PONGRATZ, M. B. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. PRASAD, S. S. Jet Propulsion Lab. PUGH, F. L. IBM RABE, J. Environmental Resources Group REINHARTZ, K. K. European Space Agency Rectenna System Design 328 A Theoretical Study of Microwave Beam 332 Absorption by a Rectenna Environmental Effects of SPS: The 458 Middle Atmosphere Economic and Environmental Impacts of 568 Solar Satellite Power System (SPS) Sun Bust, or Why SPS Will Never Get Off 572 the Ground Utilities View of SPS 525 Opening Remarks 9 Laboratory and Proposed Ionospheric Ex- 410 periments on SPS Microwave Instability Reference System Characterization and 142 Cost Overview SPS Cost Methodology and Sensitivities 103 Passive Solar Reflector Satellite Re- 231 visited The Lagopedo Experiments 483 Ice Formation During Lagopedo Uno 485 Environmental Effects of SPS: The 458 Middle Atmosphere Satellite Power System Operations 368 An Assessment of SPS Utility Integration 583 Issues Arising from the Distribution of Eligible Rectenna Sites and Electricity Demand Centers An Overview on European SPS Activities 78