1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

RICE, J. S. Novar Electronics, Inc. RICHARDSON, J. NAS RICHES, M. R. U.S. Department of Energy RIED, R. C. NASA/JSC RIEGEL, C. A. San Jose State University RODRIGUEZ, G. Jet Propulsion Lab. ROSI, F. D. University of Virginia ROTE, D. M. Argonne National Labs. RUDOLPH, L. K. Jet Propulsion Lab. RUSH, C. M. DOC/NTIA/ITS RUTH, J. ESTEC SAMSA, M. E. Argonne National Lab. An Interferometer-Based Phase Control 239 System A Power Satellite Sonic Simulator 293 A Theoretical Study of Microwave Beam 332 Absorption by a Rectenna Involvement in SPS: NAS 12 A Comparative Assessment of the Reference Satellite Power System with Selected Current, Near-Term and Advanced Energy Technologies SPS Structures and Control: A Perspec- 164 ti ve SPS Structural Dynamics and Control 189 Workshop: Findings and Recommendations Environmental Effects of SPS: The 458 Middle Atmosphere Dynamics and Control of the Satellite 176 Power System A Survey of the Market, Supply and Avail- 258 ability of Gallium Atmospheric Effects Overview 439 Overview of Atmospheric Effects H3 The Applicability of MPD Thrusters to 210 Satellite Power Systems Ionospheric Disturbance Overview H$ Critical Technology Areas of an SPS 109 Development and the Applicability of European Technology Alternative Advanced Power Generation $27 Technology Characterizations SPS and Alternative Technologies Cost 146 and Performance Evaluations