1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SCHROEDER, K. G. Rockwell International SCHWENK, F. C. NASA/HQ SCHUSTER, G. J. Battelle-PNL SEYL, J. W. NASA/JSC SHELTON, R. M. British Aerospace SHOTLAND, S. I. Planning Research Corp. SHOWEN, R. L. SRI International SIMONS, D. J. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. SMITH, G. M. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. SPERBER, B. R. Boeing Aerospace Company STARK, J. P. British Aerospace STEIN, B. NSF STOIL, M. J. KAPPA Systems, Inc. STONE, S. N. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. SUTHERLAND, C. D. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Solid-State Configurations 340 Overview of Systems Definition Activi- 21 ties for Satellite Power System SPS Effects on Optical Astronomy 423 Satellite Power System Concept Develop- 281 ment and Evaluation Program Critical Supporting Investigations ,'Summary,, Some Aspects of SPS Acceptability in 508 Europe Societal Assessment - Institutional 129 Issues Simulated D-and E-Region Effects of the 400 SPS Power Beam The Lagopedo Experiments 483 The Lagopedo Experiments 483 High-Power Microwave Optics for Flexible 352 Power Transmission Systems Prototype Solar Power Satellite Options 219 Characterization of Reflected Light from 464 the Space Power System SPS Power Transmission - Are Multiple 356 Beams a Better Option for Europe? Involvement in SPS: NSF 11 Alternative International Political Re- 512 actions to SPS Effects of Rocket Exhaust Products in the 489 Thermosphere and Ionosphere Effects of Rocket Exhaust Products in the 489 Thermosphere and Ionosphere The Lagopedo Experiments 483