1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SVIEDRYS, R. Polytechnic Institute of New York TAYLOR, T. C. Taylor and Associates TAUSSIG, R. T. Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc. TEETER, R. R. Battelle Columbus Lab. THOMPSON, A. R. National Radio Astronomy Observatory THOMPSON, W. Power Conversion Technology THORN, D. C. Novar Electronics, Inc. TINGEY, D. L. Boeing Aerospace Company TURCO, R. P. R&D Associates VAJK, J. P. Science Applications, Inc. VALENTINO, A. R. Argonne National Lab. WALES, W. W., JR. NASA/MSFC WANG, S. J. Jet Propulsion Lab. WASSERMAN, F. A. Boston University WEIR, D. G. RCA Laboratories Problems and Prospects for an SPS Role in 556 New York State's Energy Future: A Major Case Study of Concept Viability Construction of the SPS Primary Structure 316 by Another Method Solar Driven Lasers for Power Satellite 267 Applications Critical Review of Satellite Power Sys-: 622 terns (SPS) Space Transportation Cost Estimates Preliminary SPS Materials Assessment 531 The Effect of a Satellite Power System on 419 Ground-Based Astronomy Laboratory and Proposed Ionospheric Ex- 410 periments on SPS Microwave Instability A Theoretical Study of Microwave Beam 332 Absorption by a Rectenna Characterization of Reflected Light from 464 the Space Power System Environmental Effects of SPS: The 458 Middle Atmosphere Military Implications of Satellite Power 506 Systems Environmental Assessment Overview 36 SPS Program Review Transportation Per- 193 spectives Dynamics and Control of the Satellite 176 Power System SPS Microwave Effects on Airborne Biota 383 Status Report Solid State Technology 344