1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

WESTERDAHL, B. B. University of California WHITE, M. R. Lawrence Berkeley Labs. WHITFIELD, R. G. Argonne National Lab. WHITTEN, R. C. NASA/ARC WILLIAMS, J. R. Georgia Institute of Technology WILLIAMSON, R. A. OTA WILSON, W. B. Teknekron Research, Inc. WOLCOTT, J. H. Los Alamos Scientific Lab. WOLSKO, T. C. Argonne National Lab. WOOD, R. D. Central Washington University WOODCOCK, G. R. Boeing Aerospace Company Study of the Biological and Ecological 379 Effects of SPS Microwave Power on the Honey Bee Non-Microwave Health and Ecological Ef- 122 fects: Overview Environmental Welfare Comparison 154 Resources/Macroeconomic/Institutional 158 Comparative Assessment Environmental Effects of SPS: The Middle 458 Atmosphere Conclusions of the Huntsville SPS Power 271 Conversion Workshop SPS Power Management Workshop Summary 376 SPS and the Office of Technology 8 Assessment Environmental Welfare Effects Evaluation 612 Resource Comparisons (Land, Water and 607 Materials) The Lagopedo Experiments 483 A Methodology for the Comparative Assess- 138 ment of the SPS and Alternative Technologies A Societal Assessment of Student Parti ci- 548 pation in the Evaluation of the Satellite Power System Concept Emerging SPS Concepts 95 Earth-to-Orbit Transportation for Solar 200 Power Satellites SPS Silicon Reference System 250 Integrated Space Operations Overview 303 High Voltage Systems (Tube-Type Micro- 364 wave)/Low Voltage Systems (Solid-State Microwave) Power Distribution