1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Insolation The rate of solar radiation received by a unit surface area in unit time (W/m2, Btu/hr. ft.2). Klystron A valve in which the electron stream is modulated in velocity and the electrodes of the output circuit (and also possibly of the input circuit) are combined to form a resonant circuit of a special type known as a rhumbatron. Langley A unit of energy per unit area commonly employed in radiation theory; equal to 1 gram calorie per square centimeter. Latent heat The heat released or absorbed per unit mass by a system in a reversible change of phase at constant pressure and constant temperature. Mach Denotes of or pertaining to the speed of sound (738 mph) and multiples thereof (i.e., Mach 2 is twice the speed of sound, etc.). Magnetron A thermionic valve, the electron path of which is controlled by a magnetic field. Mass drive reaction engine A device that uses electromagnetic forces to accelerate something to high velocities. Megawatt A million watts Micron One thousandth of a millimeter. Microwave heating The warming of something due to the action of microwaves. Nanometer One-billionth of a meter.