1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Parabolic Of or like a parabola. Parallel burn Denotes simultaneous firing of rocket engines or motors. Peak power density Denotes the point within a beam of electromagnetic waves where the power is most intense per unit of area. Photon In the quantum theory of light, light consists of tiny bundles of energy. One of these bundles is a photon. Photovoltaic Photoelectric; denotes the power conversion process in which sunlight is directly transformed into electricity. Photovoltaic cell A cell that generates electrical energy when light falls on it. Pilot beam Denotes the beam of energy which will emanate from a receiving antenna to its power satellite and will be used as a point of reference to aim a microwave or laser beam. Planar Denotes a flat, level or even surface. Power density Refers to the amount of power contained within a given area of a beam of electromagnetic waves. Power relay satellite One conceptual satellite power system in which power is generated on earth and beamed to a geostationary satellite for relay to another point on earth.