1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Silicon A non-metal lie chemical element found always in combination and more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen. Societal assessment A series of studies within the CDEP assessing the impacts of SPS on resources (land, material, and energy), institutions (government, utility, and financial), international aspects (agreements, organizations and military implications), and society (public acceptance and centralization issues) and vice versa. Solar cell Photovoltaic cell. Solar cell array A group of solar cells complete with supporting structure and wire interconnections. Solar concentrator Anything that focuses or intensifies sunlight by either refraction or reflection. Solar constant The rate at which solar radiation is received outside the earth's atmosphere, on a surface normal to the incident radiation, and at the earth's mean distance from the sun. The currently accepted value is 1373 W/m2. Solar radiation The total electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. Solar thermal A solar conversion process that uses sunlight to warm a heat-transfer material which then is used directly for heating or for other purposes. In SPS refers to using sunlight to heat a material which then turns turbines, producing electricity, which is beamed to earth. Sortie A mission. Space Shuttle The first reusable space craft. First test flights are expected in late 1980 or early 1981.