1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

Specific heat (Also specific heat capacity). The heat capacity of a system per unit mass. Speed of sound 738 miles per hour. Staged combustion Denotes something that burns sequentially. In SPS refers to rocket stages that burn one after another. Subsonic Slower than the speed of sound. Substrate A part, substance, or element which lies beneath and supports another. Supersonic Faster than the speed of sound. Systems definition A portion of the CDEP which progressively refines the SPS reference system in the context of new concepts and technologies. Temperature A measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance. Temperature coefficient. The amount by which the voltage, current or solar cell power from a solar cell will vary with changes in the temperature of the cell. Terrestrial Of, consisting, or representing the earth. Thermal-nuclear SPS One SPS concept which calls for orbiting heatgenerating nuclear power plants and converting the derived electricity for transmission to earth. Thermometer An instrument for measuring temperature, generally the temperature of the air in meteorology.