1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

ATTENDEES LIST MARVIN D. AASEN, Scientific Advisor IIT Research Institute Annapolis, Maryland 21404 MARTIN ABROMAVAGE Argonne National Laboratory 400 North Capital Street, Suite 185 Washington, D. C. 20001 DR. E. J. AINSWORTH 74-25 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, California 94720 DR. JOHN W. ALLIS EBD, Cellular Biophysics Branch (MD-74) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park, N. C. 27711 SAMUEL ALTMAN Department of Communications Communications Research Center P. 0. Box 11490, Station H Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H852 ROMAN W. ANDRYCZYK General Electric Company P. 0. Box 8555 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 SAM ANKERBRANDT PRC Systems Services Company Suite 2340 10960 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90024 G. D. (DICKEY) ARNDT NASA - Johnson Space Center Mail Code EH2 Houston, Texas 77058 J. H. ATKINSON DoD/ECAC Annapolis, Maryland 21404 ROBERT U. AYRES Carnegie-Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 ARRIE BACHRACH Environmental Resources Group 6380 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 804 Los Angeles, California 90048 SHLOMO BACHRACH Environmental Resources Group 6380 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 804 Los Angeles, California 90048 S. P. BATTISTA Arthur D. Little, Inc. 25 Acorn Park Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140 HAROLD BENSON NASA - Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas 70058 DR. EZRA BERMAN EBD, Developmental Biology Branch (MD-72) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Research Center Research Triangle Park, N. C. 27711 P. A. BERNHARDT Stanford University Durand Building, Room 306 Stanford, California 94305 DR. JAN BEYEA National Audubon Society 950 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 MARIONETTE BISHOP The University of Alabama in Hunstville Johnson Environmental and Energy Center P. 0. Box 1247 Huntsville, Alabama 35899 J. B. BLACKBURN Rice University 3417 Montrose - #104 Houston, Texas 77006 ROBERT S. BLOCK [University of Pennsylvania] 51 Johnson Street Trumbull, Connecticut 06611 CHARLES BLOOMQUIST PRC Systems Services .Company 10960 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2340 Los Angeles, California 90024 KEN BOSSONG Citizens1 Energy Project 1110 Sixth Street, N.W. #300 Washington, D. C. 20001