1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

power system. Commercial radio and television signals at distances of 1 to 50 kilometers from the transmitter range from several millivolts to several microvolts. Examples of SPS microwave transmission beam interference mechanisms are illustrated in Figure 5. Electromagnetic systems likely to experience SPS interference would include military systems, public communications, radar, aircraft communications, public utility and transportation system communications, other satellites, and radio and optical astronomy. The interference potential of the SPS would not be especially unusual except in terms of geographic area. Many high-powered radar systems can produce interference of similar electromagnetic intensities, but the influence is generally limited to the immediate geographic area. Mitigating strategies such as cabinet shielding and radio receiver filters are commonly used to avoid interference near radar stations, and these strategies could be adapted, to at least some extent, if interference situations were encountered with the satellite power systems. Equitable distribution of the costs of such strategies would require careful attention. Fig. 5. SPS Electromagnetic Interference Mechanisms