1980 Solar Power Satellite Program Review

SOLAR POWER SATELUTE ACRONYMS ASET Assistant Secretary for Energy Technology /DoE ASEV Assistant Secretary for Environment/ DoE CDEP Concept development and evaluation program. A four-year program being conducted by the Department of Energy, assisted by NASA, to continually define a reference-concept SPS and evaluate it. COE Cost of electricity DBER Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research/ASEV DDT&E Design, development, test and evaluation DECT Division of Environmental Control Technology/ASEV DoD Department of Defense DoE Department of Energy DOES Division of Operational and Environmental Safety/ASEV DTO Division of Technology Overview/ ASEV EH&S Environment, health and safety EIA Environmental impact assessment EMI Electromagnetic interference EPRI Electric Power Research Institute ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration (one of the agencies preceding and absorbed into DoE on October 1,1977) ES Earth surface ESA European Space Agency FCC Federal Communications Commission GBED Ground-based exploratory development GEO Geostationary orbitGHz Gigahertz (109 cycles per second) GW Gigawatt (109 watts) HLLV Heavy-lift launch vehicle IAF Internationale Aeronautique Federique IPTASE Interagency Panel on the Terrestrial Applications of Solar Energy IR Infrared. Designating or of those invisible rays just beyond the red of the visible spectrum: their waves are longer than those of the spectrum colors but shorter than radio waves, and have a penetrating heat effect. JSC Johnson Space Center KSC Kennedy Space Center LEO Low earth orbit LOX Liquid oxygen MHD Magnetohydrodynamics MPTS Microwave power transmission system MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center MT Metric ton (1000 kilograms) NAE National Academy of Engineering NAS National Academy of Sciences NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NRC National Research Council OAST Office of Aeronautics and Space T echnology/NAS A