DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

of motion relative to the earth's magnetic field and the accumulation of ions. Third, the satellites may be significantly weathered by cosmic ray and meteoroid bombardment. Finally, they will reflect substantial quantities of visible sunlight (that could be either diffuse or well focused, depending on the nature of the metallic surfaces) and radiate substantial amounts of heat energy (infrared radiation). While preliminary calculations of these effects have already been carried out, better estimates of source-terms, that is, magnitudes of emission rates, will be necessary to obtain improved estimates of environmental impacts. 3.3 NONMICROWAVE EFFECTS ON THE STRATOSPHERE/MAGNETOSPHERE The potential exists for significant impacts due to injections of water at altitudes above about 40 km and to the production of nitric oxide in the mesosphere during the reentry of the second stages of the HLLV and personnel launch vehicle second stages. More detailed calculations are required to properly assess these impacts. In addition, because of deficiencies in our understanding of physical and chemical processes above 40 or 50 km, especially with regard to the water budget, a significant uncertainty must be associated wi'th any theoretical prediction. The need for additional research in this area is great and a significant effort should be directed toward increasing our understanding of the water budget and of the mesospheric environment in general. Rocket exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide are not expected to have a significant impact, nor is the production of nitric oxide in the exhaust plume by afterburning processes. Climatic effects that may arise from SPS-related perturbations in stratospheric and mesospheric composition are not expected to be highly significant, although considerable uncertainty exists in this regard. A much more detailed analysis is required, including, specifically, an assessment of the possible effects of increased cloud formation due to injections of water into the mesosphere.