DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

To evaluate the impact of equipment/system performance degradation, the resultant operational compromises are derived. Operational considerations include, for example, equipment/system criteria relationships to the safety and effectiveness of supported activities (e.g., mass transportation, traffic control, military surveillance/weapons delivery, communications network efficiency), in terms sufficiently detailed to support national impact extrapolation and cost-benefit analyses. Based on the impact and cost-benefit findings, recommendations will be made for mitigating system degradation. The basic analysis elements, including the SPS environment, equipment/ system degradation, and operational implications, are depicted in Fig. 4.2. These elements include propagation media, affected system performance, and representative operational impact areas. Mitigation techniques emphasize degraded equipment energy penetration and coupling mechanisms, antennas, circuitry, cabling, etc. Recommendations for equipment modifications will concern these areas and will take into account cost-benefit trade-off results. Two series of technical reports will be developed. One series will examine functional system degradation and the operational support implications Fig. 4.2. Basic EMC Analyses Elements