DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

The derivation of the performance impact data and support relationships are discussed in the detailed technical report for this initial rectenna site analysis.* This report will demonstrate the effects upon national resources and economics of the SPS-induced performance degradation, and the specific effects upon the major military operations in the Mojave area. The opera- ^Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis of the Candidate Mojax/e SPS Rectenna, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences, to be published. Function Characteristic Effects Instrumentation Radar • Cooperative target acquisition range: -(8-20%) (Military Test Ranges) • Skin target acquisition range: —(13—28%) • Cooperative target track error: +(15—40%) • Skin target track error: +(22-65%) • Loss of track loop lock (skin mode) probability increase: +(10-40%) Command/Control and * Signal acquistion threshold: +(5-20%) Telemetry Communications • Data error: +(5-28%) (Military Test Ranges) • Sync loss probability: +(3-25%) Tactical Signal Identification - Analysis Systems • False alarm probability outside mission zone: +(3-25%) • False alarm probability within mission zone: +(18-60%) • Receiver noise threshold: +(5-40%) • Signal processing time: +(45-115%) • Software overload probability increase: +(2-26%) Infrared Scanner (Tactical • Video noise threshold: +(2-26%) Systern) • Target detection/identification probability: -(5-33%) Utility and Pipeline • Signal acquistion threshold: -(5-15%) Command/Control/Telemetry • Data error: +(10-30%) Communications • Link noise: +(5-20%) Image Intensifiers • Video noise level: +(10-45%) • Standard target detection/identification range: -(5-30%) • Multiple target spatial resolution: -(2-60%) Nonfederal Government • Channel noise: +(5-15%) Communications • Data error: +(8-35%) Table 4.3. Induced-Functional-Degradation Summary - Mojave Area