DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

FOREWORD The Department of Energy is considering several options for generating electrical power to meet future energy needs. The satellite power system (SPS), one of these options, would collect solar energy through a system of orbiting satellites, convert the energy to microwaves, and transmit the microwave energy via extremely directive transmitting antennas to large receiving antennas (rectennas) located on the earth. Present conceptual designs provide for microwave transmission at a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz and generation of 5 to 10 gigawatts-electric at each rectenna. The impact of the SPS microwave transmission on the environment, as well as impacts related to other elements of the total satellite power system, are being determined by several research efforts funded by the Department of Energy. The goal of these programs is to advance the state of knowledge by the year 1980 to the point where the probability and severity of SPS impacts can be assessed. This two-volume document presents a preliminary evaluation of SPS environmental impacts and recommends impact-related research. More detailed and extensive assessments will be made of effects on the health and safety of the public and occupationally involved personnel, ecosystems, the upper and lower atmosphere, and communications systems. If the 1980 assessments indicate that the impacts are acceptable or that feasible mitigating strategies can be implemented, and if other related assessments (the impact on society and a competitive comparison of the SPS with other energy alternatives) are favorable, a decision may be made to develop SPS-related technologies. CONTRIBUTORS S.L. Halverson Argonne National Laboratory, Director, Environmental Assessment D.M. Rote Argonne National Laboratory, Director, Task III J.L. Lee Argonne National Laboratory K.L. Brubaker Argonne National Laboratory R.R. Cirillo Argonne National Laboratory S.W. Ballou Argonne National Laboratory S.D. Parris Argonne National Laboratory D.F. Cahill U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Director, Task I J. Allis U.S. Environmental Protection Agency K. Davis Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Director, Task IV C.M. Rush Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, Director, Task IV E. Morrison Institute for Telecommunication Sciences W. Grant Institute for Telecommunication Sciences M. White Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Director, Task II