DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

tional compromises and the specific areas of functional degradation will be used as the basis for subsequent recommendations in equipment and system operations to assure an acceptable level of performance. For this Mojave site and others having a similar operational military/ civil system ratio, modification recommendations will emphasize the civilian area. Support equipment (e.g., radar, telemetry, TV, etc.) can be modified for operation within a range of 40-50 km from the rectenna site, assuming no media-induced instabilities in the SPS array control. Military operational electromagnetic systems cannot be modified because of the unacceptable probability of operational compromise; system performance or procedures in the test and evaluation exercises would have either little or a deceptive relation to combat operations. 4.1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The preliminary assessment of SPS microwave emissions on ''victim” systems as given here demonstrates the operational degradation that would occur to electronic systems in the SPS-generated environment within approximately 100 km of the rectenna site. The Mojave site evaluation shows a wide range of performance degradation, particularly in those systems operated by the military. The basic functional and operational impacts of SPS are of such magnitude that in many instances they represent unacceptable or impossible compromises and biases to proper test and evaluation exercises performed by the involved facilities. The evaluation of the Mojave candidate rectenna site provided impact data to NASA and was used in establishing site selection and evaluation criteria, and allowed a limited exercise of the data retrieval and analysis procedures required for the electromagnetic compatibility analysis of all candidate rectenna sites in the continental U.S. This Mojave site originally considered by NASA allowed a reasonable rectenna isolation from areas of even modest population density, but presents serious interference impacts upon surface and aircraft electronic systems. At this site, military operations represent the majority of the interference problems; the degraded systems being integral components of complex development and operational test and evaluation programs. These military programs require the degree of isolation afforded by the Mojave region.