DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

Based on the probable operational system degradation near the Mojave site and the inability to establish mitigating strategies without an unacceptable probability of compromising system operation, a second site north and east of the original site was proposed by the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences.* A cursory look at the "victim" systems surrounding the new site indicates different functional classes that lend themselves to mitigating strategies. Most of this equipment could be modified to produce compatability in the SPS-generated environment. The functional degradation of military, nondefense government, and commercial systems in the Mojave area is basically characteristic of the effects that will be encountered in other areas in the continental U.S. Operational implications and therefore the associated economic impact will vary significantly because of the differing organizations and systems supported by the degraded equipment. Operational-functional relationships will exhibit differing sensitivities. The Mojave area lends itself well to rectenna resiting because of the large expanse of open, flat terrain. The development of new sites in most geographic areas would not be as simple — in fact, might be impossible — due to population density, terrain features, victim system density, etc. Generally, the Northern and Eastern U.S. will have a smaller military- nondefense equipment concentration in the rectenna areas than the original Mojave site reviewed. However, these regions will also have major transportation and commercial communications facilities. Because of the population and business densities, the total number of affected systems in the various operational categories will be larger. A valid demonstration of rectenna site electromagnetic compatibility analysis and impact evaluation has been developed. This analysis is fundamental in making site selections and will help determine system performance impacts and develop mitigating strategies for victim systems. It is recommended that several site evaluations in various geographical locations, particularly in the Northern and Eastern U.S., be carried out to establish a data base to be used in setting the site selection criteria and geogra- ★Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis of the Candidate Mojave SPS Rectenna, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences, to be published.