DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

LIST OF FIGURES (Cont'd) Page 2.6 Launch Noise Profile .......................................... 17 2.7 Nonmicrowave Effects of SPS on Terrestrial Workers .......... 18 2.8 Occupational Injury and Illness from Conventional SPS Causes . 19 2.9 Nonmicrowave Effects of SPS on Space Workers ................. 21 3.1 Regions of the Atmosphere...................................... 26 3.2 Summary of Some Potential Atmospheric Effects Caused by Rocket Exhaust ................................................ 27 3.3 Climatological and Heating Effects of the Microwave Power Transmission System in the Lower Atmosphere................... . . 29 4.1 SPS Radio Frequency and Electromagnetic Interference ........ 33 4.2 Basic EMC Analyses Elements.................................... 34 4.3 SPS Transmitting Antenna Pattern ............................. 36 4.4 Effect of SPS Microwave Transmission on the Ionosphere and Telecommunication System ...................................... 44 LIST OF TABLES 4.1 Selected Site Distances from Mojave Rectenna ................. 37 4.2 Scatter Power Densities - Average Rain Conditions............ 39 4.3 Induced-Functional-Degradation Summary - Mojave Area ........ 41