DOE Environmantal Assessment Executive

Cover 1
Title Page 3
Forward 5
Table of Contents 7
Purpose 9
Introduction 9
1: Microwave Health and Ecological Effects 11
2: Other Effects on Health and the Environment 17
2.1 Effects on the public 18
2.1.1 Impacts of Conventional Processes 18
2.1.2 Unconventional Effects 21
2.2 Effects on terrestrial workers 26
2.2.1 Impacts of Conventional Processes 27
2.2.2 Unconventional Effects 28
2.3 Effects on space workers 28
2.3.1 Weightlessness 29
2.3.2 Life Support 30
2.3.3 Radiation 30
2.4 Effects on the environment 31
3: Effects on the Atmosphere (Including Climatology) 33
3.1 Microwave and rectenna-related effects in the troposhpere 36
3.2 Nonmicrowave atmospheric effects above 60km 38
3.3 Nonmicrowave effects on the stratosphere/magnetoshpere 40
4: Effects on Communication Systems 41
4.1 Electromagnetic compatibility 41
4.1.1Methodology 41
4.1.2 State of Knowledge 43
4.1.3 Preliminary Assessment 44
4.1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 50
4.2 Ionospheric heating and vehicle effluent effects 52
List of Figures 7
Fig. 1.1. Exposure of Humans and Ecosystems to Microwave Energy from the Satellite Power System 12
Fig. 1.2. Possible Human Health Effects from SPS Microwaves 13
Fig. 1.3. Possible Ecological Effects from SPS Microwaves 14
Fig. 2.1. Nonmicrowave Effects of SPS on the Public 18
Fig. 2.2. SPS Material Requirements 19
Fig. 2.3. SPS Environmental Impacts 20
Fig. 2.4. Recommended Maximum Launch-Related Air Pollutant Concentrations 23
Fig. 2.5. Maximum Allowable Concentrations of Propellants in Watersound 24
Fig 2.6 Launch Noise Profile 25
Fig 2.7 Nonmicrowave Effects of SPS on Terrestrial Workers 26
Fig. 2.8. Occupational Injury and Illness from Conventional SPS Causes 27
Fig. 2.9. Nonmicrowave Effects of SPS on Space Workers 29
Fig. 3.1. Regions of the Atmosphere 34
Fig. 3.2. Summary of Some Potential Atmospheric Effects Caused by Rocket Exhaust 35
Fig. 3.3. Climatological and Heating Effects of the Microwave Power Transmission System in the Lower Atmosphere 37
Fig. 4.1. SPS Radio Frequency and Electromagnetic Interference 41
Fig. 4.2. Basic EMC Analyses Elements 42
Fig. 4.3. SPS Transmitting Antenna Pattern 44
Fig. 4.4. Effect of SPS Microwave Transmission on the Ionosphere and Telecommunication Systems 52
List of Tables 8
Table 4.1. Selected Site Distances from Mojave Rectenna 45
Table 4.2 Scatter Power Densities - Average Rain Conditions 47
Table 4.3. Induced-Functional-Degradation Summary - Mojave Area 49