DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

The mission control center (MCC) would have developed a detailed listing of faulty components and spare parts would be available from the warehouse or would accompany the maintenance crew. Upon arrival, a flyover of the satellites would be made to detect non-annunciated failures. The maintenance vehicle would be loaded and defective components removed and replaced. The defective components would be returned for test and refurbishment. Each satellite would be refurbished in 3^ days with double shift operations. Most of the work would be performed by teleoperated machine and monitored by space workers. This high level of maintenance would enhance confidence in the projected 30 year lifetime. 1.6 Will new life support systems be required for space construction crews or is present technology sufficent? Life support systems encompass (1) the control and revitalization of a habitable atmosphere, (2) provision of food and water, (3) solid and liquid waste management, (4) space suits and emergency equipment for personnel safety and rescue, (5) personal hygiene, and (6) instrumentation and data management equipment. While all these subsystems currently exist, additional R&D on each of them will be required for an operational SPS. Basically, life support systems using techniques of regeneration will be required because the cost of providing expendable items for the life support function is prohibitively expensive. Major advances required for the SPS are likely to include oxygen recovery and closure of the water/waste management system. A significant amount of research and development has been conducted on regeneration life support processes and some tests have been performed. A continuing research program covering all the areas has been defined^ which could be readily adapted and extended to satisfy specific SPS requirements as these become better known. 8 Life Support, NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, Summer Workshop, Volume XI, August 1975.