DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

I.10 Is the DOE considering alternative reference system concepts? If so, how much money is being allocated for these studies relative to the current status reference design? The SPS Project Office is evaluating alternative concepts and subsystems at the present time. For example, a laser power transmission system has been identified as an alternative to the microwave power transmission system. Solid state technologies are being investigated as alternatives to the present spacecraft transmitting antenna design. During FY79, about 15% 13 of the NASA budget for SPS studies went into these areas. Should there be a decision to proceed with further SPS investigations after the end of a current program, the SPS PO will continue this program to evaluate emerging technologies to determine their applicability. The present reference system is a concept being used as a "strawman” for the environmental, societal and comparative assessments. It is not an optimum concept, detailed design or recommended configuration. 1^ The SPS PO has considered many other systems in the past and continues to study others as their technology develops. A partial list of alternatives considered to date would include: ENERGY COLLECTION ENERGY TRANSMISSION o Photovoltaic o Microwave -Silicon -Power Amplification -Gallium Aluminum Arsenide .Amplitrons -Multi-Bond Gap .Magnetrons -Optimum Filter .Klystrons -Cadmium Sulphide .Solid State -Phase Control o Thermal-Solar .Retrodirective -Brayton .Ground -Rankine -Thermionic o Laser 13 14 ' Testimony and prepared statements of Robert Frosh, NASA Administrator, and F.A. Koomanoff, Director of the SPS Project Office, before the House Science and Technology Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications, March 29, 1979.