DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

II. ABOUT THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS II.1 Will there be a comparative analysis of the SPS with alternative energy technologies? A comparative assessment of the SPS is part of the SPS Concept Development and Evaluation Program. The analysis sequence for the comparative assessment consists of six main steps. o Comparative Issues Selection o Energy Alternatives Selection o Energy System Characteristics o Side-by-Side Analysis of Energy Systems o Alternative Futures Analysis o Integration/Aggregation Technique Development The first four steps have been taken in a preliminary assessment^ and a methodology has been established for accomplishing all six steps. The final assessment will compare the SPS and seven alternative energy technologies in the areas of cost and performance, environmental effects, human health and safety, resource utilization, and economic, societal and international issues. The alternative energy technologies to be characterized include light water reactors, liquid metal fast breeder reactors, advanced coal-fired steam plants, coal gasification/combined cycle plants, terrestrial central station photovoltaics, and fusion reactors. In addition, an appropriate decentralized energy technology alternative will be characterized and evaluated. The SPS Comparative assessment is scheduled for completion in June 1980. ^"Preliminary Comparative Assessment of the Satellite Power System, and Alternative Technologies," by T. Wolsko, et al, Argonne National Laboratory (in press). 16 "Preliminary Comparative Methodology for SPS and Alternative Technologies," Argonne National Laboratory, May 1979.