DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

II.2 Has a net energy analysis been done which compares the SPS with alternative energy technologies? Energy analyses of the SPS have been compared by the Johnson Space Center,I? the Marshall Space Flight Center,1$ the Energy Research and Development Administration Task Group on Satellite Power Stations,19the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,21 the SPS Project Offic^^22^and the University of Illinois Center for Advanced Computation. ' SPS energy ratios have been found that range from marginally favorable to very favorable in relation to other energy technologies. Considerable controversy exists regarding energy analysis methodologies and their results. A particular point in dispute is whether or not fuel should be included in the system boundaries. Perhaps the most common measure used in energy analysis is the net energy ^Initial Technical, Environmental and Economic Evaluation of Space Solar Power Concepts, JSC 11443 Volume I, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, July 15, 1976. 1 8 Satellite Power System, NASA TM X-73344, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, November 1976. 19C. Bloomquist, A Survey of Satellite Power Stations. PRC R-1844. PRC Systems Sciences Co., Los Angeles, California, September 1976. 20Final Report of the ERDA Task Group on Satellite Power Stations, ERDA-76/148, Energy Research and Development Administration, November 1976. 21 Livingston, Floyd R., et al. Satellite Power System (SPS) Preliminary Resource Assessment, 900-805, Rev. A, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. August 7, 1978. 22 Kotin, A., SPS Preliminary Societal Assessment: Resources Requirements (CriticalMaterials, Energy and Land), DOE HCP/R-4024-02, October 1978, pp 66-70. 23 R. Herendeen, T. Kary, J. Rebitzer, Energy Analysis of the Solar Power Satellite, ERG Doc. No. 265, Energy Research Group, University of Illinois at Urbana, Champaign, Urbana, IL, November 1978. 24Herendeen, R.A., T. Kary and J. Rebitzer, ''Energy Analysis of the Solar Power Satellite,” Science, 3 August 1979, Volume 105, Number 4405, pp 451-454.