DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

INDEX TO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I. About the System Page 1. How stable will an orbiting satellite the size of the 3 SPS be at GEO or could it de-orbit like Skylab, posing a danger to people on the ground? 2. How vulnerable is the SPS to partial or total 4 destruction, especially the space segment? For example, do meteor showers pose any threat to the space segment? 3. Is there a way that rivals, unauthorized personnel, etc. 5 can gain control of SPS? 4. What is the basis for the claim that the satellites will 6 have a 30 year lifetime? 5. Have maintenance requirements been considered in the 6 analysis of the reference system concept? How would maintenance be performed? 6. Will new life-support systems be required for space 7 construction crews or is present technology sufficient? 7. What are the manpower and training requirements to 8 build the satellite? 8. How should today's students be preparing themselves in 9 terms of training and education so as to have a greater opportunity for more direct involvement in any future SPS undertaking? 9. Which is the cheaper reference system design - Rockwell's 10 or Boeing's? 10. Is the DOE considering alternative reference system con- H cepts? If so, how much money is being allocated for these studies relative to the current reference design? II. About the Comparative Analysis 1. Will there be a comparative analysis of the SPS with alter- 12 nate energy technologies? 2. Has a net energy analysis been done which compares the SPS 13 with alternative energy technolgies?