DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

Page 3. How much disruption of human settlement patterns and wild 14 lands will the SPS rectenna system create in comparison to coal and oil shale fuel cycles? 4. Would the SPS be functional soon enough to obviate massive 15 coal and oil shale exploitation or do the timeframes for utilization of these alternative technologies, and attendant environmental impacts, overlap? 5. Would a breakthrough on fusion obviate the need for SPS? 16 What forms and amounts of energy would fusion energy replace that would reduce the need for SPS? » 6. Wouldn't a breakthrough in terrestrial solar technologies 16 reduce or eliminate the need for SPS? In particular, wouldn't advances in photovoltaics benefit terrestrial applications to the point where the SPS would be obsolete or comparatively uneconomical? 7. What impact will development of the SPS have on the labor 16 market compared to alternate energy endeavors - will it be labor-intensive or capital-intensive? Ill. About the Environmental Effects 1. A prominent concern is the microwave bio-effects. Some 17 people want to know what happens to people and ecosystems near the rectenna should control of beam directionality be lost. 2. What are the atmospheric heating effects of decentralized 18 solar energy systems compared to the SPS? 3. Will the SPS damage the ozone layer and create a ''greenhouse” 18 effect by heating up the atmosphere? 4. Why have only two years been allotted for atmospheric 19 impact studies? 5. Will communications systems already in place be disrupted 19 by SPS operations? 6. Would the current SPS reference system design create 20 significant additional conflict over utilization of the geostationary orbit? 7. How will SPS's in GEO affect the aesthetics of the night sky? 21