DOE Q&A About The Satellite Power System (SPS)

Page 10. Is a disruption of SPS power likely? What happens to 31 an area which derives some or all of its energy from an SPS should such an event occur? 11. Is there any public awareness of the SPS as a major 32 candidate for long-term energy generation? 12. What constituencies are being studied for their probable 33 response to the SPS concept? V. About the DOE Program 1. Why is DOE even involved in the evaluation and development 33 of the SPS - why isn't the private sector doing this on its own? 2. Many respondents appear to believe that the objective of 34 the CDEP effort is to plan for the commercialization of the SPS. The actual objectives of the DOE study are not clearly understood. To what areas of investigation are the program funds being allocated? How much of the total is going to environmental studies? 3. Just how much information on the SPS is available to the 35 general public? Has such information appeared in the media? What agencies of the federal government have information that the public could obtain? 4. How realistic does DOE consider the SPS to be? 37 5. On what does success of the SPS depend? How much will it 37 cost to decide whether or not to go ahead with the SPS? 6. Can energy self-sufficiency be arrived at through the SPS? 38 7. Does the DOE believe that SPS development will reinvigorate 40 the U.S. internally and give it a renewed position of leadership abroad?