Department of Energy: SPS Brightness Due to Reflected Sunlight

ELECTRIC ORBITAL TRANSFER VEHICLE This system is sketched in Figure 7. Details and other views are given in Figures 8 and 9. For the EOTV in LEO (worst case for reflections) the vector coordinates are defined in the same way as those for the SB. However, since the OTV is inverted at the staging base we have z = c where z is normal to the solar panel side of the OTV (see Figure 10). Table 2 gives parameters for the EOTV for the elements illustrated in Figures 7-9. Note that the back of the solar array with its large area and high reflectance is the dominant reflecting surface, and note that some subsystems of the EOTV are often shadowed. SOLAR POWER SATELLITE This system is sketched in Figure 11 and construction details are shown in Figure 12. Vector definitions and pointing equations are given in Figure 13 for both the transmitting array and for the solar array. The former always is pointed at a rectenna on the surface of the earth. Table 3 gives parameters for the SPS for the elements illustrated in Figures 11-12. The major sources of specular reflection are the antenna and the solar array. If control should be lost of the SPS then the aluminum rear side of the array could be the largest contributor.