Department of Energy: SPS Brightness Due to Reflected Sunlight

In some calculations below the angles p and t will be assumed to be zero. This maximizes the irradiance which is certainly a worst case since in general the SPS structure is not and need not be rigid. Note that no factor is included in Eq. (1) to account for non-normal incidence of the reflected light on the earth since it is assumed that the observer will be looking directly at the SPS subsystem. In the following illustrative cases of interest, "D" will denote diffuse reflections and "S" specular reflections. CASE DI: OTV IN LEO - CONSTRUCTION PHASE The solar panel plane of the OTV is aligned with the staging base plane during construction which is always in the orbital plane around the earth. । Thus the top and bottom of the OTV alternately reflect light onto the earth. The worst case, depicted in Figure 22, occurs at the solstices with the just completed OTV on the SB in the noontime position. (Only the worst noontime case will be considered here. In the specular case, SI, general orbital locations are treated.)