Department of Energy: SPS Brightness Due to Reflected Sunlight

Consider the more realistic case in which SPS solar panels are misaligned. Since the SPS is much larger than the OTV the misalignment is estimated to be ,as much as 5° for the SPS (compared with the 1.5° estimated for the OTV). As a result the irradiance would be reduced up to two orders of magnitude. There is a very simple way to avoid the Case S2 geometry. Since the solar panels are sized for solstice conditions, they are about 5% larger than necessary for equinox conditions. Therefore, they can be rotated slightly out of the normal geometry of Figure 27 to move the reflected light off the earth. Using calculations similar to those in Eqs. (2) and (3), it is found that s^$ = 350 km and s^ = 520 km. From a simple geometric construction for the spot near the limb the spot speed is about 550 km/min so that the time for the spot to cross a point on the earth is about one minute. (Compare this with the one second in the LEO case.) A similar case involves the reflection from the SPS panels during a partial eclipse. The geometry is quite similar to that in Figure 23, and the irradiance varies from 0 (total eclipse) to the 0.03 W/m of the refraction case discussed above. Since the latter is a worst case the partial eclipse cases will not be discussed further. CASE S3: SATELLITE ANTENNA IN GEO, EQUINOX CASE In the baseline system the microwave beam is normal to the highly reflected aluminum antenna face. Since the beam points at a rectenna on the earth's surface there is no way to avoid reflecting light onto the earth for some geometries as depicted in Figure 28. This case has been covered in some detail by Livingston?. Similar results are obtained here. The following representative parameters are used in Eq. (1): 2 An irradiance of 0.01 W/m is obtained for these conditions.