Department of Energy: SPS Brightness Due to Reflected Sunlight

The midnight spot diameter at the equator is about 350 km. Its speed is about 150 km/min so that the time for the spot to cross a point on the earth is just over two minutes. CASE S4: OTV POWERED IN LEO Consider the specular counterpart of the diffuse Case D2 using the following parameters: CASE S5: OTV BETWEEN LEO AND GEO Consider the specular counterparts of the two diffuse examples covered in Case D4. The irradiances at the earth for an OTV at 2 and at 4 earth radii (other parameters the same as in Case S4) are 0.010 and 0.0021 W/m respectively. CASE S6: OTV IN LEO, OUT OF CONTROL The worst case geometry is given in Figure 29. The highly reflective back side of the OTV reflects sunlight to a point on earth directly below. Parameters in Eq. (1) are now