Department of Energy: SPS Brightness Due to Reflected Sunlight

2 The irradiance is found to be about 56 W/m . CASE S7: SATELLITE IN GEO, OUT OF CONTROL This case is depicted in Figure 30. Parameters are 2 2 The resulting irradiance is 0.4 W/m which compares with the 0.03 W/m for the satellite solar panel in GEO (Case S2). 3.2 SKY BRIGHTNESS Scattering which produces sky brightness can be derived for any point in the sky by determining the light which illuminates that point and the amount of that light which is scattered in the direction of the observer. Integration of all such points along the observer's line of sight yields the total light which the observer receives. This approach is formalized in the derivation g by Tousey and Hulburt. Without reproducing their procedures, the resulting expressions are summarized below. The intensity of the sky at any location as perceived by the observer is expressed as the sum of two contributors,